Missing an item? Contact Us Here

Report a Missing Item

If you're missing an item, please ensure you've checked our Terms and Conditions and FAQ, which offer guidance on resolving such issues. Also, connect with our community via the Google Group and our private Facebook page. Sometimes, an item might not be available due to various reasons - it could be a temporary stock issue or an error during packing or pickup.

To assist us in resolving this, please complete this form. Include details such as your order number, pickup date, drop site, and the specific item(s) you were missing. I'll personally review the pickup packing list and investigate any stock-related issues. Rest assured, you'll receive store credit for any item not received due to farm, delivery, or drop site errors.

For members who accidentally pick up items that aren't theirs (occasionally happens with dairy sizes or types), we kindly request coordination in switching the items back with the involved member or via the drop site location.

Thank you! Morgan